Do you have a background in Theology or pastoral care? Are you interested in the pioneers position of a church planter? In Central Asia a first generation of believers in Jesus is looking for contextualized practices of Christian community building. Persecution in this part of the world is never far away.
People International is an interdenominational mission agency and always looking for church planters. Are you able to lead, mentor or coach new believers according to what they need? Please get in touch with us right away!
About the job
As a Church Planter you coach a relatively new Christian fellowship toward (more) maturity. You bring your knowledge and experience, but your lead by example is important most. You are sensitive for contextual influences and challenges. You are able to mentor the group of believers to find ways that are in line with God’s Word and with the cultural characteristics of the group. Besides your job as Church Planter you will also be part of one of our mission teams. Each team member in this team is involved in mission related activities.
Interested? Please send us your motivational letter and CV: